Dr. Ray Psonak, Functional Medicine Specialist

Dr. Ray Psonak is a licensed physician practicing in the new field of Functional Medicine. He trained as an Osteopathic Doctor (DO) and has 30+ years experience working with patients affected by nutritional deficiency, environmental sensitivities, immune dysfunction, heavy metal toxicity, toxic chemicals, and various poor health issues.
He understands that the body is not just a collection of separate systems, but an integrated whole wonderfully and marvelously created. Disease is multi-factorial and each person is a bio-individual each with different needs, and recognizes that the body has an innate natural ability to heal itself. Ray Psonak D.O. has had extensive experience and works with his patients to identify various loads on the body which prevent healing, enabling the body to recover.
As a functional medicine specialist, Dr. Ray offers customized lab tests which can often reveal the missing link in treating symptoms or a disease process. His approach is to reduce the total load of stressors by identifying heavy metal toxicity, toxic chemicals in the body, and nutritional deficiencies or imbalances, especially in the microbiome of the gut.
Telehealth consults are available, done usually after you received the test results. Depending on the test, it can take one to three weeks to get the results. Most test results are sent to you by email.
Dr. Ray believes that the body is beautifully and wonderfully made by God to heal itself when the total load of stressors are addressed and the right tools are provided. Therefore he looks upon all the systems of the body from the cellular level up as working in concert together as an integrated whole. Dr Ray’s Functional Medicine approach to your care is not only to treat the symptoms, but to shed light on the root cause as well. He is here to work with you in achieving optimal wellness.
Bio of Dr Ray
Prior to his 30+ years working as a physician, Dr. Ray Psonak has had diverse experiences. He worked as a research engineer for several years with Bell Labs (BLT) , then with Hewlett Packard as a hardware-software liaison specialist. In an effort to fulfill his desires to help people medically, he advanced his career by moving to the HP Medical division. During his time at HP, his desire to help people by direct contact became more apparent.
Medical School
Opportunities opened up to attend medical school. He graduated in 1991 from the University of New England, College of Osteopathic Medicine (UNECOM) in Maine as a D.O. He also received extensive post-graduate training in the Functional Medicine specialty of Environmental Medicine at the Environmental Health Center of Dallas (EHCD) clinic in Texas being mentored by Dr. William Rea, M.D., world renowned for his work in environmental medicine.
Janet Psonak, RN, BSN, Functional Medicine Nurse
Janet is a licensed registered nurse. She graduated with a BSN from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, MI. and worked on a neurology/ neurosurgery floor at University Hospital and then became a float nurse working on medical/ surgical and other floors. She also participated in a charismatic inter-denominational Christian community while in Ann Arbor called the Word of God where she met her husband, Ray, and were married in Ann Arbor. While in Ann Arbor, she worked for Dr. Paula Davey, who practiced Environmental Medicine, incorporating many of the principles of Functional Medicine as we know it today. She and her husband, Ray, later moved to Salem, NH and worked with Dr. James O’Shea, a prominent doctor who had a large practice caring for environmentally sick patients. Another move took her to Maine to accommodate her husband going to medical school, and took a position working on a cardiac floor at the Maine Medical Hospital. Janet has been working with her husband from the beginning of his practice as the IV nurse, as well as testing patients for allergies, and patient teaching among her many other roles.