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March 9, 2025

Mercury Exposure and Health Issues

mercury exposure

Mercury exposure is pervasive in the environment, particularly in your mouth if you have mercury fillings or consume a lot of fish. Learn about the various sources, testing, and elimination of mercury.

First, it is important to understand how mercury enters our bodies. It can come from what you eat, like fish products and mercury amalgams in your mouth. Inhaling mercury from fungicides and pesticides is another source, even though their use has decreased. Additionally, batteries contribute to mercury exposure.

Once ingested, mercury attaches to sulfur amino acids in proteins. These amino acids include methionine, cysteine, and taurine. Did you know that chewing can release vapors from mercury amalgams that are then swallowed or inhaled? Therefore, if you suspect you have mercury amalgams, it’s best to avoid chewing gum.

Is Fish High in Mercury?

Most fish have levels of mercury from environmental contaminants.  Generally speaking, the bigger the fish is, the higher it’s Mercury content will be, due to it being at the end of the food chain.  Smaller fish, low on the food chain, are low in Mercury and other heavy metals.  Sardines, Anchovies, Herring, Flounder, Haddock (Atlantic), Mackerel (N. Atlantic), are examples of fish low in Mercury.  Some examples of larger fish high in Mercury are: Tuna, Bluefish, King Mackerel, Marlin, Orange Roughy, Shark, and Swordfish.

Mercury is fat soluble

Heavy metals, including mercury, are all fat soluble.  The liver detoxifies toxins and heavy metals and excretes them through the bile.  However, most are reabsorbed.  Glutathione breaks this cycle and toxins are then removed through the kidneys for water soluble ones, as well as the feces.

How to Eliminate Mercury from Your Body

Supplements to eliminate Mercury from your body

MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) contains bioavailable sulfur. It can provide sulfur to cysteine and methionine.

MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) contains bioavailable sulfur. It can provide sulfur to cysteine and methionine.

Glutathione is the first and best supplement to detoxify mercury and other heavy metals. Without glutathione, mercury from the environment cannot be detoxified and eliminated.

Glutathione, along with MSM (methylsulfonylmethane), provides primary sulfur sources that your body can produce. Sulfur is crucial for several proteins and numerous enzymes that require intact sulfur groups. Tripeptides of sulfur include glutathione, cysteine, and glycine, which can be inactivated by mercury.

Glutathione usually comes in 50 mg capsules. Starting with 50 mg three times a day on an empty stomach is advisable.

MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) contains bioavailable sulfur.  It can provide sulfur to cysteine and methionine.

B6 – pyridoxine – is another important supplement. It converts methionine to cysteine and then to glutathione. A suggested dosage is 50 mg B6 with your breakfast meal. The CoEnzyme form of B Vitamins is best utilized by the body.

B1 (thiamine) is also beneficial. Use 50 mg one capsule three times a day with meals.

An amino acid complex can help prevent the depletion of several amino acids. Take it one hour before meals or at bedtime.

NAC (N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine) can help your body produce large amounts of cysteine and glutathione. Its use is optional but may provide benefits.

An amino acid complex can help prevent the depletion of several amino acids. Take it one hour before meals or at bedtime.

You can also take Molybdenum, which increases urinary excretion of mercury.

Zinc is essential for many body functions. It stimulates the production of metallothionein, which detoxifies mercury effects. Various zinc tablets are available, but the best form for absorption is one attached to an amino acid chelate. (see our blog on Zinc).

Vitamin C is also vital for detoxifying mercury and other toxins. Start with 500 mg once a day and gradually increase to 1500 mg or more a day. If you experience diarrhea from excess intake, take 3/4ths the amount in divided doses the next day.

You can also take Molybdenum, which increases urinary excretion of mercury.

Selenium is an essential trace element and a component of glutathione-peroxidase. It also helps produce T3. Start with 50 micrograms three times a day. Selenium should not be taken with Vitamin C; maintain a 2-3 hour gap to avoid reducing its bioavailability.

ALA (alpha lipoic acid) has metal chelating properties and significantly increases reduced glutathione. It may also be effective in treating various neurodegenerative disorders. A daily dose of 100 mg is recommended.

Also you can take Molybdenum that increases urinary excretion of mercury.

And take an amino acid complex which prevents depletion of several amino acids.  Take one hour before meals or at bedtime.

Foods to avoid:

Fish can be high in mercury; all fish contain some level of mercury. It’s essential to choose fish wisely to minimize exposure.

Chicken and egg products can have significant amounts of fish feed, which may lead to mercury accumulation in the human food chain.

Avoid candy and many sugar products, particularly those containing high fructose corn syrup, as they can contribute to overall health issues.

Foods to help eliminate Mercury from your body

Garlic- contains a high level of sulfur and some contain selenium.

Bromelain from pineapple. Take between meals with a full glass of water.

A high-fiber diet is beneficial. Eating oat or bran muffins is a simple way to increase fiber intake. Also, drink plenty of water – routine intake of 6-8 glasses of non-fluoridated water daily helps eliminate toxins.

In general, reduce the dietary intake of refined carbohydrates, sugars, and saturated fats to promote better health.

Gut micro flora and Mercury

As long as the gut microflora is functioning well, the body can eliminate mercury and other heavy metals. A simple stool test can assess gut microbiome health. The Microbiology Stool Analysis is an excellent test for this purpose.

How to Test for Mercury Toxicity

The best method to determine long-term mercury exposure is through a hair test, which is less invasive than a bone biopsy. Blood tests are only accurate for very recent exposures.

To conclude, various supplements can assist in eliminating mercury from your body. It’s essential to monitor your progress, as hair tests can demonstrate long-term mercury exposure. A urine test can also be conducted but should be provoked by an oral or IV chelating agent for accurate tissue results. Blood testing is not a reliable measure for long-term exposure.

FAQ about Mercury

Can you test for mercury at home?

You can test for mercury at home with a simple hair sample which is sent to an analysis lab.

What is a simple test for detecting mercury in a solution?

A simple test for mercury is the copper test. Place a clean copper penny in a solution containing the suspected mercury compound. If mercury is present, the copper will turn silver in color.

What are the signs of too much mercury in your body?

Signs of too much mercury in your body include:
Tremors, Memory problems, Mood swings, Fatigue, Numbness and tingling, Headaches, Vision or hearing changes, Muscle pain, Digestive issues, Difficulty concentrating

How do you test for mercury in the body?

Testing for mercury in the body typically involves a few methods:
**Blood Test**: Measures the level of mercury in your bloodstream.
**Urine Test**: Assesses mercury excretion, particularly useful for recent exposure.
**Hair Analysis**: Evaluates long-term exposure by measuring the mercury content in hair samples.

What are the side effects of mercury in the human body?

Mercury exposure can lead to neurological damage, kidney problems, and birth defects.

How much mercury is toxic for humans?

0.1 milligrams per kilogram of body weight per day is considered the maximum safe limit of mercury exposure for humans. For an average adult, this is roughly equivalent to about 1/10 th of a teaspoon per entire year!

What are the sources of mercury toxicity?

The main sources of mercury toxicity are fish, dental amalgams, and industrial exposure.


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